Stress Management Therapy in NYC

Evidence-Based strategies for Stress Relief

The significant impact that living with stress can have on your overall health and wellness may not always seem obvious, but when stress hits, our bodies and minds shift into survival mode. 

Stress is a normal reaction, but prolonged exposure to it can bring alongside severe long-term negative effects such as anxiety, depression, and burnout. Evidence-based treatments for life stressors are effective ways to manage stress and learn lasting strategies to improve our mental state.

Evidence-based treatment for stress can look differently for everyone, but CBT and MBSR are two effective stress-related treatments. Both CBT and MBSR put an emphasis on mindfulness, which gives a person awareness of their mental state, and are proven as a path to integrate positive emotional management strategies. These stress therapy approaches can make mental clarity and peace attainable even if they feel so out of reach.

Stress doesn’t have to be the center of your life. Evidence-based treatments can help you learn grounding techniques aimed at regaining balance and mental wellness.

 READY TO TAKE the NEXT STEP IN managing the stress IN YOUR life?